My Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Hearty MECA greetings from the sunny state of Arizona! My dear friends, I was much honored this past week-end to answer present at the action-pack MECA-USA Truth and Reconciliatory talks held at the Rodeway Inn-Six Flags in Atlanta. I was there in body and soul. Yes, I was there from the very inception until the very conclusion and actually missed my flight on the way back home. With great pride and optimism, I can testify that I witnessed it all and some ‘dash’. The jaw-dropping experience can only be qualified in this acronym; OMG! The food was sumptuous and palatable, our people were exquisite and refreshing, the deliberations and presentations were intense, open and constructive and the boogie, to crown it all, was come-and-see. Who said we from Manyu are not quintessential? Who said we are not the best? Believe you me; I arrived home feeling light, reenergized and overjoyed.
Because we have been so accustomed to successions of disorderly and disgraceful MECA-USA national meetings, we have sort of internalized a fallacious myth that we cannot be constructive and productive in our engagements. That myth was seriously punctured this past week-end in the great Peach State of Georgia. I understand full well that my characterizations may appear to be biased or exaggerated to some- I have no regrets for being overwhelmed with joy because it is just the way I am feeling right now. Besides, I have no reason to be dishonest to my people. The fact is unquestionable that the proceedings and the overall climate of the meeting resembled nothing that I had hitherto experienced in MECA-USA. I tell ya! In spells of childlike sensibilities, I caught myself eagerly not wanting it to come to an end.
There is no company as soul-providing as one with your own people. As we assembled on Sunday, Oct 11th, the following morning at one of our dynamic sister’s home to continue the fun-time-with- family, the table was dark with an assortment of well-prepared delicacies. When I got there I was like; OMG! I ate and ate and I ate and I ate until this tum tum belle of mine bulged forward to full elasticity. Our most gracious host, kept reminding us to eat...I guess her deal was that all the food must go. As we munched and we were running our mouths, I made a statement loosely that I hope that we can continue in this spirit. One of our MECA-USA Matriarch and illustrious elder quickly corrected me by saying that ‘we do not hope’, she went on to appropriately say emphatically that we are going to keep this tradition henceforth.
Anyway, as I reflect on the weekend and all what transpired, a series of conclusions comes to mind, namely - a) we are capable of loving one another, b) we are capable of showing civility to one another, c) we are fully capable of being tolerant of one another, d) we can be professional, and e) we are a very gifted and brilliant breed. At every turn, our people debated the issues on the agenda fiercely and intelligently yet with a tacit acknowledgement of ‘the other side’ of the debate. In short, I was held spellbound throughout… that is how amazing it felt. To say the least, I am very inspired by the events that took place last week and we all must do whatever we can to protect those democratic and cultural gains. The facilitation of the event was professionally done with managerial dexterity and great intellectual artistry. The presentations in between were as vibrant and reverberating especially the key note…
Please, let us not sweat the small stuff… detailed notes of the proceedings will be professional harnessed and widely distributed. These things need to be done with the carefulness that they deserve.
I truly wished that our former Chairman of MECA-USA Mr. Peter Ako and his team had stepped out on faith and join the conversation. But, I also know that he is mourning the passing of his dear sister which I have included him and his family in my prayers. I hoped that he would have delegated someone to come though- my view only! Given the track record, I was not particular sure of any behavioral change.
In any event, something had to happen to move MECA-USA forward from the perilous hostage-style situation that it was in. Someone needed to more seriously begin to wrestle with the calamitous state of affairs of the family meeting and map out strategies to get us out of the deep Golgotha that we find ourselves. Atlanta presented itself as the place of opportunity/ challenge for igniting the makeover process. As people of Manyu under the canopy of MECA-USA, we have suffered untold abuses and wanton abandonment through a myriad of corrupt and incompetent self-seeking megalomaniacs. Power hungry totalitarians who fail to see that the real power of the organization rests in ‘we the people’ and not a few King Kongs walking over the rest of us the ‘wretched of the earth.’ We needed to remake MECA-USA to rekindle some of the noble ideals of the founding fathers and mothers.
I know in functional democracies people have their rights to their opinions and I honestly think that fair is fair. Folks, it is only fair to give credits where it is due. Ask anyone who attended the talks, they will tell you without contemplating that it went extremely well. To have members of our community who did not attend the event for whatever reason and have not taken time to study how things fared making unfounded and somewhat negative remarks about the event is disingenuous and blatantly wrong. Instead of them embracing the wind of change blowing towards them, they are trying to play the old fashion and distasteful politics of mudslinging and slash and burn. Is this not what has crippled MECA-USA in the past? Steeped in perpetual negativity, they do not see anything good coming out of Manyu. According to some of these Manyu ‘voices of reason’, we should continue with business as usual languishing in the toxic atmosphere that envelops us ignoring all efforts of peacemaking and peacekeeping. I do not know what to make of that kind of modus operandi- (notice that I am having a hard time selecting my words here). It just makes no sense at alll to me.
Let us look forward with faith in God, courage from our Ancestors and determination from the Manyu children in MECA-USA. As we move forward, let us ensure that we coordinate efforts; we have mechanisms that will really produce results for our people. This is not about popularity and arrogance, this is about a commitment that will actually produce the kinds of actions that all of us know are needed to shepherd MECA-USA forward. So with that, help us God.
Thank you all. Thank you all very much.
Chandler, Arizona
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thank You
It is three days now since the Truth and Reconciliation meeting in Georgia. I am sure delegates are still feeling the impact of the hectic weekend. Well you came, you worked hard and you played hard. That is the spirit of Manyu. It has been a long time since I saw delegates came to any Convention or Conference such as this and nearly all participants committed to getting results. They came from all corners of the USA. Thank you for heeding the call. Thank you for coming to Georgia. Thank you for taking the time to start the process of saving MECA-USA. In the next coming weeks a comprehensive report of the Conference will be published so that those who could not attend the conference could read of the outcome and resolutions. Again, thank you for the dedication for the Manyu cause.
Major Fidelis Agbor
Major Fidelis Agbor
Monday, October 12, 2009
MECA USA: When we refuse to reconcile and destroy our development efforts.
According to the Wikipedia, reconciliation means settlement, resolution, compromise, bringing together. In reconciliation, we take into consideration, what caused the rift, repenting, forgiving and finding ways to repair the damage (recompense). We also try to let go of what cannot be repaired. Contrary to what some in our community may belief, reconciliation can take place between one’s self, groups or parties. It does not necessarily force two parties on the same table if the other is unwilling. Some of the issues that warrant a person or persons to reconcile may be; building walls instead of bridges, treating those who spread views other than their own as demons, finding ways to excuse a behavior and trying to see themselves in the exception to the law and moral rules that help a community together. To make up to reconciliation, we must therefore act as far as it is practical to undo the damage caused, listen to the spirit, learn to be just plain with each other, and celebrate what is common.
One of the things that is so hard for a community like ours to do is come to grips with the things it has done wrong. We try to make excuses “saying it was the best choice or decision we had to make at the time”. This is never enough to justify our actions. There is no reconciliation without responsibility. The bible says there is a time between what we know and what we are responsible for. There is also a bond between what we know and should be responsible to do. There is no excuse for deliberate or benign ignorance and continuous spreading and promoting hate, rumor, and lies even on the eve of a reconciliation process. History teaches us, it is easy to plead ignorance but hard to believe we are ignorant because the truth is out there and will be known.
For some people in our Manyu community in the USA, reconciliation does not come easy and never will. The reason is because it has become a psychological and personal struggle after causing much pain to individuals for a long time in order to settle deep rooted grievances. A lot of suffering has been caused and everyday fresh wounds are open and new walls built. Although no one has the duty to bear other peoples shortcomings, everyone has the responsibility to own up to their wrongs. When one causes damage and divides a community, our chosen leaders speaking on the community behalf have a responsibility to stop the hurt. These leaders have a moral obligation to call upon us to fess up, desist from our wrongs and take action to right the wrongs we have done. Leaders who stay silent and do not speak up ultimately must be held accountable for the actions of their subjects as we see it today in MECA USA.
Reconciliation is indeed hard work and if one party fails to take part and expect positive results, then it has failed to create true synergy for building its community. Be it in marriages or divorces or conflicts, people always up the ante and that can never create a solution to a problem. The deeper the anger gets, the less we seem to get out of it and become more hollow and seem justified to hold on to our bitterness and anger. It is just not enough to say enough if the engines of the fire and venom and hate are not destroyed. For a community like MECA USA, anger, hatred, vengeance and bitterness have all become the reality of the world we choose to live and hold back development gains. These ills are there because we choose to hold on to illusions and lies about how evil others are, how just our cause is, how our side is better than the other.
But if we fail to come to the reconciliation table in order to set the record straight, help strip our lies and build a new foundation for our community, then we should have no reason to complain when others make that decision for us. The decision made by others may affect us and we may just have to live with it. Only a process of reconciliation would have dismantled the engine and cut off the smoke. In this process, some failed the Manyu community and for many years slowed the development engine in ways they may never come to realize. History will be our teacher and with about a 40 page proceedings soon to be released from the Atlanta conference, there will be plenty to reflect on. For one thing, MECA USA belongs to the people and in Atlanta on October 10, 2009, the "PEOPLE made some far reaching decisions".
Simon Etta
Baltimore, MD
One of the things that is so hard for a community like ours to do is come to grips with the things it has done wrong. We try to make excuses “saying it was the best choice or decision we had to make at the time”. This is never enough to justify our actions. There is no reconciliation without responsibility. The bible says there is a time between what we know and what we are responsible for. There is also a bond between what we know and should be responsible to do. There is no excuse for deliberate or benign ignorance and continuous spreading and promoting hate, rumor, and lies even on the eve of a reconciliation process. History teaches us, it is easy to plead ignorance but hard to believe we are ignorant because the truth is out there and will be known.
For some people in our Manyu community in the USA, reconciliation does not come easy and never will. The reason is because it has become a psychological and personal struggle after causing much pain to individuals for a long time in order to settle deep rooted grievances. A lot of suffering has been caused and everyday fresh wounds are open and new walls built. Although no one has the duty to bear other peoples shortcomings, everyone has the responsibility to own up to their wrongs. When one causes damage and divides a community, our chosen leaders speaking on the community behalf have a responsibility to stop the hurt. These leaders have a moral obligation to call upon us to fess up, desist from our wrongs and take action to right the wrongs we have done. Leaders who stay silent and do not speak up ultimately must be held accountable for the actions of their subjects as we see it today in MECA USA.
Reconciliation is indeed hard work and if one party fails to take part and expect positive results, then it has failed to create true synergy for building its community. Be it in marriages or divorces or conflicts, people always up the ante and that can never create a solution to a problem. The deeper the anger gets, the less we seem to get out of it and become more hollow and seem justified to hold on to our bitterness and anger. It is just not enough to say enough if the engines of the fire and venom and hate are not destroyed. For a community like MECA USA, anger, hatred, vengeance and bitterness have all become the reality of the world we choose to live and hold back development gains. These ills are there because we choose to hold on to illusions and lies about how evil others are, how just our cause is, how our side is better than the other.
But if we fail to come to the reconciliation table in order to set the record straight, help strip our lies and build a new foundation for our community, then we should have no reason to complain when others make that decision for us. The decision made by others may affect us and we may just have to live with it. Only a process of reconciliation would have dismantled the engine and cut off the smoke. In this process, some failed the Manyu community and for many years slowed the development engine in ways they may never come to realize. History will be our teacher and with about a 40 page proceedings soon to be released from the Atlanta conference, there will be plenty to reflect on. For one thing, MECA USA belongs to the people and in Atlanta on October 10, 2009, the "PEOPLE made some far reaching decisions".
Simon Etta
Baltimore, MD
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Breaking news:
After a successful MECA USA truth & reconciliation conference on October 10, 2009 in Atlanta, the general assembly of MECA USA today voted to hold the next convention in Atlanta, Georgia - July 2 through July 4, 2010.
More details to follow.
After a successful MECA USA truth & reconciliation conference on October 10, 2009 in Atlanta, the general assembly of MECA USA today voted to hold the next convention in Atlanta, Georgia - July 2 through July 4, 2010.
More details to follow.
Special report: Atlanta 10/10/09
With close to one hundred members in attendance, the long anticipated MECA USA reconciliation conference kicked off in grande style at the ballroom of the Rodeway Inn Marietta, GA. After a powerful prayer from Rev. Hamilton Ayuk, the Outgoing Chief of MECA Georgia, Major Fidelis Agbor welcomed attendees on behalf of the host chapter. The conference chair Sesekou Dr. David Tambe and Co-chair Ms. Adele Mbeng officially opened the event with brief remarks.
Full report to follow after the conference.
With close to one hundred members in attendance, the long anticipated MECA USA reconciliation conference kicked off in grande style at the ballroom of the Rodeway Inn Marietta, GA. After a powerful prayer from Rev. Hamilton Ayuk, the Outgoing Chief of MECA Georgia, Major Fidelis Agbor welcomed attendees on behalf of the host chapter. The conference chair Sesekou Dr. David Tambe and Co-chair Ms. Adele Mbeng officially opened the event with brief remarks.
Full report to follow after the conference.
Friday, October 9, 2009

MECA Georgia underestimated the mammoth crowd that showed up at Kathy Enongene’s residence in Marietta to welcome delegates for the pre conference reception. As jubilant MECA members strolled in the living room, one could begin to get a full sense of the magnitude of the first MECA USA reconciliation conference in many years. Customary with most hosts, the out of town delegates from DC, North Carolina, Texas, Boston, New York and Chicago were accorded seats to rest their tired bones. With members enjoying their delicious fufu and eru, the good old days of pre MECA USA conventions nights became a quick reminder.
The blistering sound of Bate Nico kept delegates on their feet as some forgot dinner was on the table. A casual observer would no doubt conclude, Bate Nico’s melody expresses that which cannot be said, and on which it is impossible to be silent without nodding a head even for those without a passion to dance. Speakers took to the floor to remind delegates about the important task ahead to unit MECA USA as one big family and let the younger generation continue to lead MECA USA to greater heights and prosperity. As one observer commented, "MECA USA is back, we welcome everyone on the big tent".
With the night wearing down, the host Chapter thanked delegates for coming and reminded everyone to be on time tomorrow for the big event. For one thing, you could hear the echoes, yes we can, yes we can, MECA USA is back, thank God almighty.
The blistering sound of Bate Nico kept delegates on their feet as some forgot dinner was on the table. A casual observer would no doubt conclude, Bate Nico’s melody expresses that which cannot be said, and on which it is impossible to be silent without nodding a head even for those without a passion to dance. Speakers took to the floor to remind delegates about the important task ahead to unit MECA USA as one big family and let the younger generation continue to lead MECA USA to greater heights and prosperity. As one observer commented, "MECA USA is back, we welcome everyone on the big tent".
With the night wearing down, the host Chapter thanked delegates for coming and reminded everyone to be on time tomorrow for the big event. For one thing, you could hear the echoes, yes we can, yes we can, MECA USA is back, thank God almighty.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Manyu people voice their opinions about the Atlanta Conference:

Your Team has taken the bold step calling for a "Truth and Reconciliation Conference" in Atlanta. The Ako/Besong Team and COC have persistently since 2007, refused to unite members of this organization. This is something I have been looking forward to happen within our organization but the last chance that would have rescued this organization from the calamities it faces today was squandered after the teleconference I had with the Ako/Besong Team, calling for a withdrawal of the lawsuit and a General Reconciliation meeting in Dallas, TX. Unfortunately, the Ako/Besong Team failed to put up the logistics together and call for the conference in order to address key fundamental issues plaguing this association. Instead, the former vice chairman of MECA-USA Dr. Samuel Besong (my good friend) abandoned the real issue and attacked me how I have not been regular in the meeting, how he can not sit on the same table with people who don't contribute financially to the organization etc.My dear people, the time has come for us to use this golden opportunity and map a new beginning for MECA-USA, the time has come for us to press the RESET BUTTON and make MECA-USA a once more proud and better manyu organization in the diaspora. I am hereby giving my total endorsement to this Atlanta Conference and also appealing to all sons and daughters of manyu, to attend this conference and pave a new beginning to our beloved association.Thanks.Sessekou Philip Tabi
Major Agbor,
In my humble opinion, this conference should finally initialize a peace stabilization process in MECA USA. The truth will no doubt help our community to understand the gravity of hurt that conflicts and personal attacks bring to all parties. The final outcome should be a form of restorative justice which allows for acknowledgement, forgiveness and healing. This is not the time for retribution but creating a historical account of the past to help members heal and encourage open dialogue.
I therefore commend you for this initiative and encourage all who seek unity and lasting peace in Manyu to find time and attend this historical event. Count on my support.
Simon Etta
Baltimore, MD
We in Atlanta open our doors to all those who give us the incentive to expand our approach to leadership. This time of great leadership malfunction(vacuum),or a type of sociocultural "recession" is the right time to stop, and think about what is really important to the Manyu community.
Atlanta will be the place to move Manyu forward by awakening some "dead capital".
The planned collaborative forum in Atlanta shall be a marketplace for social exchanges,with a chance to expand our individual capacity to make a difference in today's Manyu.
The brainchild behind this conference is not just the Agbor/Ebini team,but attributed to the spectrum of Manyu daughters and sons in the USA, and around the world who saw the need to move Manyu beyond the year 2000.Their thoughts are a culmination of several other influences,which confirms deeply "our purpose",and how we must continue to seek for a better Manyu,regardless of the obstacles we think are ahead of us.
For those who sit behind to criticize the messengers instead of the messages they carry,you too have a chance to sell your view in Atlanta come October.
Mr. Agborbaiyee is like the ancient Roman satirist,Juvenal,he doesn't write because he has any special interest in doing so,but he writes out of fierce outrage at the corruption and decadence of his day.
Augustine Agbor
Waoh!! what an initiative.
I want to applaud the folks behind this great idea. I think this will be a good forum for Manyu sons and daughters nation wide to come together and brainstorm on a better way forward. Peace and unity has to reign once more in our manyu community.
Congratulations Major Fidelis and your team of collaborators for this bold step. This initiative demonstrates how much love your have for your people.
I will seize this opportunity to encourage our youths to come out in their numbers to let their voices be heard, by bringing in some fresh ideas.
What an honor for Atlanta to be chosen as the host for this event.
Take care and may God Bless each and everyone of you.
Constance B. Ebini
Saturday, October 10, 2009 is that great day. Please, endeavor to participate in this history making event. Atlanta Georgia is more than happy to receive you.
Thank you for your continuous support.
God bless you all !!!!
David Offu
Dear Fellow Manyuans,
It's being about 100 days since our failed MECA-USA Convention 2009. We've been pointing fingers at each other without accepting responsibility for our actions, or getting to the root of the problem or issue. Everybody has an opinion, but no answer to the failed process of reasoning together and coming to a meeting of the minds as to why it happened and how we can best move on without further accusing, judging and blaming each other.
We've a serious problem of accepting that we're wrong, apologizing, forgiving one another and moving forward without thinking of what just happened. I believe we can change attitudes, behavior, character, and habits but not values. So what ever happened to putting aside personal vendetta, retaliation and purposely hurting another fellow Manyu son/daughter by showing some Tender Loving Care?
It's time to put aside our differences, ego, selfish reasons, pride and come to consensus as to how MECA-USA got to this level and how we can pull together and move on without hatred, envy and jealousy.
I would like to reiterate, that I applaud and strongly support Major Fidelis Agbor's initiative and idea of "Truth and Reconciliation Conference slated for October 10, 2009. This is something I always wanted but we kept dragging our feet, because we can't admit that breaking up it's the wrong way to go.We can't tear up what used to be MECA-USA into fractions and little social groups of njangi and family quarters
Please, I'll urge all Manyu sons and daughters, to try and make it to this Conference, it's our course at stake here and no particular individual's. Anybody could have spearheaded the move to finding a peaceful or common ground for working out our issues without prejudice. Please, try and attend this Conference with an open mind for the love and sake of Manyu and not getting even or settling a score.
It's important that the Agenda, be posted immediately so that, people can be prepared as to what to expect and plan on discussing when they get there. Any Agenda now must be tentative and not final.
I would like the Agenda to be followed and treated as a class one document and no deviations once its put out there for the people to see. Any other topics would go under miscellaneous or matters arising or facts finding and no fines or imprisonments, simple apologies and hugs of respect and love etc.
1. Opening remark by Major Agbor after the introduction of MC's 2. Chairperson speech, 3. Speeches by Sessekou Dr. Ako Peter, Head of Ekpe-USA, Head of COC- Chief John Etta. 4- Break up into Committees for Brainstorming: (a) Investigations Committee for the allegations raised by Sessekou Dr. Ako with regard to Sessekou Solomon Egbe's conduct with books that were in his possession. (b)Committee Investigation of the MPC project, MECA-USA Financial situation/report (c) Committee on Constitutional Reforms for MECA-USA affairs only.(d) Committees decisions and reports to be voted upon once deliberations and final tally is over. My own two cents here and could be handled top to bottom or vice versa.
We can continue to hold grudges, hatred for one another for as long as it takes, but MECA-USA must face reality and hope for a brighter future, if we believe in and trust one another without reservations.
I know, I was a strong supporter of the AKO/Besong team and as their personal advisor and we differed when it came down to my principles as a Man of the Law, I swore to Defend, Preserve and Protect the Constitution of the USA. Also, I promised to honor, respect and uphold the derivatives of USA Constitution like MECA-USA Constitution with a 501(c)3 tax exempt status from the USA government.
I'd seen that what was happening at the Convention floor 2009 was out of the parameters of the USA and MECA-USA Constitutions, I'd to refuse to comply without prejudice the decisions taken by NEC, COC and then EIC as regards the Absentee Ballots and the EIC calling off the Elections, and final decision by COC to give power back to AKO/BESONG. All these are unconstitutional per our tax status obligations.
Consequently, I'll urge all members at the Conference to be granted the audience to say whatever they think would help bring back MECA-USA to order. We all have opinions and must not judge and compare and/or compete with one another. Committees decisions must be voted upon and AD-HOC Administration should be voted to work closely in conjunction with COC to keep MECA-USA Records, Supervise on-going MECA-USA projects and maintain custody until FREE Elections in Chicago 2010.
I motion that Sessekou Dr. Ako Peter should step down from NEC and Major Fidelis Agbor too, step down from being Member of COC. Both exhibit Conflict of interest in the smooth running of MECA-USA at this time. They need to be preparing for the next Major FREE ELECTION in 2010. However, their teams remain as slated. This motion must be raised, seconded and voted by the people at the Conference.
Wishing you all a wonderful and meaningful deliberation at the Conference in the name of Manyu.
God Bless Manyu.
Long live Manyu
Long Live Cameroon
God Bless America.
Dr. Augustine E. Agbor, Esq.
California, USA
Major and Co
This is a better way forward.
Manyuans, lets get a working cession to pave a reasonable and realistic structure to deal with all our shortcomings that led to our inability to duel with a simple election process.
Time for all to prepare their input to fix rather than think of a failed past. In fact we all have a blame to share - we failed ourselves.
That's the path to a positive future - manyu.
Eware Tataw
I will like to congratulate the Agbor/Ebini team for taking this initiative. As an organization we must find ways to brigde the divide. MECA-USA cannot succeed and/or survive on the long term as 'autonomous factions'. Chairmen/NECs come and go, however, the organization must survive. I am hereby pledging my support for the conference. I am sure MECA-Dallas would have loved to host this conference.
Sessekou Dr. David Tambe
MECA-USA Chair 1997-1999
214 929 7054
Dr. Agbor et al,I would like to take this opportunity to join my PRO in congratulating you for such insightfulness. Haven been a key player with leadership roles in reconcilliation conferences in Boston (3 times), Dallas (3 times), California (founding meeting of MECA-CA in 1992 and reconciliation meeting with MECA-USA in 2003), Minnesota, Atlanta (2 times), and several other occasions. I would like to confirm that I am ready and available to participate in any conference, meetings or hearings that gives me and "retired" members of my administration an opportunity to outline, present and educate everyone on the bungled transfer of authority process between mine and the former leadership of MECA-USA. I even promise to present the report brought by former Chairman Joseph Eyong in December 2007 after his special mission to Mamfe.I hereby ask members of my administration to start making arrangements to attend this conference, and urge the leadership of MECA-DC to make available copies of documents handed over to them by my administration and relevant material for the audit and transfer process that the former administration agreed to, and then refused to participate in.
Kudos to those who came up with this brilliant initiative.Long Live Blessed Manyu,Long Live MECA-USA,Sessekou Solomon Egbe, Esq. (Elected Vice Chairman of MECA-USA 1999 to 2003), (Elected Chairman MECA-USA 2003 to 2007)
Major Fidelis Agbor,
I want to start by appreciating you for calling this meeting with it's beautiful theme: Truth and Reconcilation Conference. Believe me the meeting is the best thing to be done now in MECA USA.
I wish to remind you Manyu sons and daughters in the USA that conflict is a necessity for peoples development and in a society rich with intellectuals like ours it can never be absent, because we are loaded with ideas which are different. Therefore we just need to come together brain storm and hamonise these ideas then end up with reasonable conclusions.
Your Elections came with some conflict yes, but it's not enough for you guys to rupture a union of Manyu elements that took people time to construct. Where have you all kept your skills in the management of conflicts. Thanks to Major Fidelis Agbor for acting fast and now.
Infact with this elections problems will be solve and an authentic exco put in place and it will be REAL RECONCILIATION. I am there for appealing to members of MECA USA to attend this meet heavily and make a difference, for it a meet with merits. After all, a developper does not fight the wrongs of the house from outside.Come in and build MECA USA.
You all stay Bless especially the initiaters of this meet.
Engineer T Tabe Ndip
in Yaounde
Dear Major Agbor, I have seen and read most of your mails, and I want to personaly congratulate you for the steps you have taken to call for a TRUCE AND RECONCILIATION CONFERENCE . It is just the right thing to do when two or three groups of people within a comunity disagree on certain philosophies on how to carry out the activities of the Leading governing Body. Please let all the manyu Sons and Daughters know that, this conference reflects just what the name depicts and nothing else. The manyu people are a respectable group of talented individuals but we have failed to portray these God given abilities during our deliberations. We concentrate our efforts towards discrediting and humiliating one another on the internet instead of tapping from our collective talents towards the development of Manyu Division. Yes, there are so many surporters of this Truce and Reconciliation conference which I truly hope will bring peace and understanding within the comunity and there AND then, can we all The Manyu SONS AND DAUGHTERS in the USA can organize A TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION TO deliberate on all the unfortunate events that have plaqued our comunity for a long time, particularly the events that led to the failed ELECTIONS of July. We are in the USA ,so I will encourage each and everyone to emulate how we can be disagreable but be Civil in our Arguments and Discussions.
I pray and wish the best to all.
Engineer/Sesikou Peter Ebot Tanyi.
Seseko Peter Ebot Tanyi, You have spoken and spoken well in a few words. You are one of the big brothers, elders and Sesekos that I have come to admire over time. The reason is simple. With a clear undertstanding of the prevailing issues, after listening to many from different angles and perspectives, you make your findings and declare your position and thoughts. In the course of that, if you erred due to the lack of information or material facts, you never hesitate to come back and say, now I have a better understanding of what is going on and I wish we could take a different and better approach. You have always concluded with a message and appeal for peace, unity and respect despite our disagreements. That is why you have earned your own place. While some of our manyu brothers and sisters see the Atlanta conference as a challenge to their ego's, the purpose for the conference is to set the wheel running for dialogue, collaboration, solution-oriented in nature and it is a forum that all and sundry are invited and all ideas will be taken into account. Therefore, while no one group of people will agree all the time, that should not stop us from at least taking reasonable steps toward extending a hand to one another for the sake of dialogue and seeking resolutions. Seseko, continue to point out our shortcomings, and strengths, be objective and provide guidance as usual. Please, never be a part of settling futile, childish and personal vendettas through MECA and continue to enjoy your Ekpe dance in that unique style of yours. Above all, do not be the elder or seseko who always chooses to see through one lens only. Be the elder that calls a spade a spade and people will trust that when you stand to speak, you will speak with objectivity and integrity. Later. Patience A. Eyere Ebini,LGSW,LL.M
Dear Mr Tabe-Ndip,Major Fidelis Agbor has certainly taken the right step in the right direction. However, I would posit that it is the Manyu man's jingoism about his intellectualism that gets us into these messy MECA-USA type situations. The Manyu man has often not acted in his own best interests by respecting the rule of law. Any claim to intellectualism by a seemingly thoughtless crowd is patently outlandish. Please do not confuse paper qualifications that can even be bought with intellectualism."Pseudo-intellectuals" is the right description for Manyu's school leavers, given our predisposition to quarrel and disagree over tried, tested and simple processes like elections. You now heap unbridled praise on Major Agbor but what guarantee is there that his proposed conference heralds peace in Manyu society in the USA? Other "bomba billies" must be lurking in the corner waiting to pounce and assert their "intellectualism" to the detriment of the normal evolution of our society.Have a good day.Dennis Besong TambeWest Sussex, United Kingdom.
Sessekou Tembekong,
Greetings to you and the household my beloved Big Brother! Your piece below is a powerful straight-forward ecclesiastical reportage reminding us of God’s purpose for his children of Manyu; a purpose of fraternity, love and family amongst our kinfolk. I have read your email about three or four times and enjoyed its content much because it is so apt and timely. As I read it, it kept my heart thumping and my concentration fixed from the beginning until the end. It is a valuable teaching on how we can achieve our noble ambitions through faith in God and ourselves. Yes, God has a plan for all of us from Manyu. There has got to be a providential reason why we must come together and commence this path of renewal and healing in MECA-USA and I hope you can come too. Well, let us say shame unto the devil that has a bizarre but influential way of shredding God’s children apart. Goodness mercy, we are on the side of the winning God thus the devil has no chance in this one. The Lord willing, at the end of the Atlanta conference in the week end of October 10th, 2009, the devil would have been subjected to detrimental exposure and serious humiliation. The devil would have miserably loss another battle. Please our Cyber Evangelist, pray for wisdom, inspiration and direction for the organizers and the attendees of this conference. Ask God to guide and guard the facilitators and attendees so that at the end of the day, Manyu and our people should prevail. Dear God, richly bless MECA-USA as it goes through this compulsory transformation.
Chandler, AZ
Manyu:This is true and caring leadership. Ever in support of Manyu's Development and Advancement, I rise to announce my support of this wise and thoughtful initiative. I will plan and attend this Truth and Reconciliation Conference.God Bless ManyuA. AshuDetroit, MI.
"On this note, I wish to officially invite all Manyu elements in the United States to the MECA USA Truth and Reconciliation Conference which we promised during the campaign. The conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia on October 10, 2009."
Manyu brothers and Sisters, this is the clincher. We wanted a leader and you have just proven that leadership in you. Etah Agweoo!
Manyu Unity is prime. We can all disagree but at some point we have to put egos down and comeback to talk as family.
We have done it before and we can still do it now.
I endorse this conference 100%.
Best Regards,
Sesekou Joseph Mbu
The Initial Call for the Atlanta Conference - October 10, 2009
On behalf of the Agbor/Ebini campaign team, I bring you greetings of friendship and solidarity. To those of you who attended the failed MECA USA convention/election s of July 4, 2009, we extend our appreciation for your time, efforts and sacrifice. Despite the odds, you kept up the Manyu spirit of unity and love with civility and resilience. We hope you have since settled in your various communities and had time to reflect on the future of our great association.
The ability and freedom for us as Manyu people to express varying and sometimes opposing ideas is essential to our conception of democracy. However, if democracy is viewed as a process, therefore free expression is crucial to the openness of the process and to such characteristics as free and fair elections guided by the constitution of MECA USA.
The failed convention/election this summer has caused considerable harm to our unity and turned back the clock of progress. However, our union must remain intact and not divided. Our development efforts can never be derailed, denied or held hostage. It is not too late to right our wrongs, and yes we the people have the will and ability to make amends for the sake of MECA USA and Manyu prosperity.
After the failed MECA USA convention/election s, the council of chiefs (COC) voted in violation of MECA USA constitution to hand the Ako/Besong team victory and allow them manage MECA USA affairs for two years. The COC’s decision was unconstitutional and if allowed to stand, set a bad precedence for our fledgling democracy. The rule of law must not be circumvented for expediency.
Today, the major chapters of MECA USA, comprising 90% of members; MECA DC, MECA Atlanta, MECA DFW, and MECA North Carolina have all voted unanimously to reject the COC’s decision and not recognize the Ako/Besong executive. These chapters have not voted to secede from the union but to remain autonomous until an elected body is voted by the people of MECA USA. The people must decide the fate of MECA USA.
Our team adheres to the principle that the will of the people is the paramount consideration. Our goal therefore is to find a solution that reflects the will of the majority. On this note, I wish to officially invite all Manyu elements in the United States to the MECA USA Truth and Reconciliation Conference which we promised during the campaign. The conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia on October 10, 2009.
The objective of this conference is to provide an opportunity for the General Assembly (THE PEOPLE) of MECA-USA to discuss and explore solutions to the issues that led us to a failed convention/election . We will find ways to begin the process of reconciliation aimed at bringing closure to our discord and conflicts. This conference will provide an access for gathering the contribution of all Manyu sons and daughters to the reconciliation process. It will ensure the process is inclusive and thereby lead to a final report/resolutions which will be representative of the views of a broad spectrum of members.
As the days get closer, we will furnish you information on venue, hotels and a detailed program. In the meantime, please book your tickets and mark this important day on your calendar – October 10, 2009
Thank you for your time. God bless MECA USA and our beloved Manyu division.
Major Fidelis Agbor
On behalf of the Agbor/Ebini Team
The ability and freedom for us as Manyu people to express varying and sometimes opposing ideas is essential to our conception of democracy. However, if democracy is viewed as a process, therefore free expression is crucial to the openness of the process and to such characteristics as free and fair elections guided by the constitution of MECA USA.
The failed convention/election this summer has caused considerable harm to our unity and turned back the clock of progress. However, our union must remain intact and not divided. Our development efforts can never be derailed, denied or held hostage. It is not too late to right our wrongs, and yes we the people have the will and ability to make amends for the sake of MECA USA and Manyu prosperity.
After the failed MECA USA convention/election s, the council of chiefs (COC) voted in violation of MECA USA constitution to hand the Ako/Besong team victory and allow them manage MECA USA affairs for two years. The COC’s decision was unconstitutional and if allowed to stand, set a bad precedence for our fledgling democracy. The rule of law must not be circumvented for expediency.
Today, the major chapters of MECA USA, comprising 90% of members; MECA DC, MECA Atlanta, MECA DFW, and MECA North Carolina have all voted unanimously to reject the COC’s decision and not recognize the Ako/Besong executive. These chapters have not voted to secede from the union but to remain autonomous until an elected body is voted by the people of MECA USA. The people must decide the fate of MECA USA.
Our team adheres to the principle that the will of the people is the paramount consideration. Our goal therefore is to find a solution that reflects the will of the majority. On this note, I wish to officially invite all Manyu elements in the United States to the MECA USA Truth and Reconciliation Conference which we promised during the campaign. The conference will take place in Atlanta, Georgia on October 10, 2009.
The objective of this conference is to provide an opportunity for the General Assembly (THE PEOPLE) of MECA-USA to discuss and explore solutions to the issues that led us to a failed convention/election . We will find ways to begin the process of reconciliation aimed at bringing closure to our discord and conflicts. This conference will provide an access for gathering the contribution of all Manyu sons and daughters to the reconciliation process. It will ensure the process is inclusive and thereby lead to a final report/resolutions which will be representative of the views of a broad spectrum of members.
As the days get closer, we will furnish you information on venue, hotels and a detailed program. In the meantime, please book your tickets and mark this important day on your calendar – October 10, 2009
Thank you for your time. God bless MECA USA and our beloved Manyu division.
Major Fidelis Agbor
On behalf of the Agbor/Ebini Team
Manyu Elements Plan to assist Flood victims in Atlanta

MECA-USA members will be dedicating a special time during their fundraising gala scheduled to take place in Atlanta, Georgia, on 10/10/2009 at the RodeWay Inn, on 4330 Fulton Industrial Blvd SW, Atlanta , to raise funds to assist Cameroonian victims of the recent floods in Atlanta, Georgia.
MECA has always been populated by a large number of community minded individuals who are all very touched by the devastation caused by these floods. One of our own with a small business had 40 cars covered in the flood, while some others had their homes flooded. We have therefore set aside some time during our fundraising gala exclusively for our Cameroonian brothers and sisters who are now facing severe hardship due to the devastation caused by these floods.
Please come and donate to the victims.
Major Fidelis Agbor
On behalf of the A/E Team & MECA-USA Truce & Reconciliation Organizers
Major Fidelis Agbor
On behalf of the A/E Team & MECA-USA Truce & Reconciliation Organizers
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