Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Welcome Address by Major Fidelis Agbor, Chief, MECA-GA

My dear brothers and sisters, I want to take this time to welcome you to Georgia, the Peach State. You will find several attractions in Georgia that will keep you busy and entertained. You will find several attractions like the Georgia zoo with lots of exotic animals, the Georgia Aquarium, the largest in the world and lots more. A few weeks ago, we were plagued with flooding, one of the worst natural disasters in the Georgia. A lot of Manyu residents were affected by the flood. Some lost their houses and one with a small business had more than 40 cars immersed under water. My brothers and sisters, I want to say that we are now recovering from the flood. We have to. With your support today, we should be able to start the process of forgetting the past.

My brothers and sisters we all know why we are here today. The events in 2009 DC Convention spilled over to Georgia. MECA-GA voted not to recognize the NEC that was put in place by the Council of Chief. Currently, MECA-Georgia is operating independent of any illegitimate administration until this Assembly today decides the way forward. We trust in you to deliberate and come up with something that will guide this Association for the next two years or create a workable model for this Association.

Before I conclude, I would like to bring you the good news of the Georgia Elections that took place in September. I have been the chief of MECA-GA for the last four years, and my term has now come to an end. The head of the new executive that will lead MECA-GA into the future is none other than Sessekou Philip Tabi. Please join me in congratulating our new Chief, Sessekou Philip Tabi. On behalf of MECA-GA, I want to say, Welcome and wish you a constructive deliberation.

Major Fidelis Agbor
Chief, MECA-GA

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