Manyu Elements, Comrades, Ladies and Gentlemen:
When MECA-USA was formed 20 years ago, hardly did I know that many of us will still be standing here as friends and family, to bear witness to MECA-USA’s 20th Anniversary. Today marks the true testimony that Satan has powers which can NEVER stand the power of God’s graces in humanity. Today marks the first day of TRUTH and RECONCILIATION for the TRUE believers and the real devoted members of MECA-USA. Yes, we are the Flag Bearers of Love for MECA!
We have come far and near to stand witness and fight for the RESUCITATION OF MECA-USA from the worst test of TRIALs and TRIBULATIONS, this Family Association in the Diaspora, had to endure. I congratulate and welcome you for your selflessness in spending monies that your family needs!
Those who kept telling me over and over: “Lady K, stop promoting this your LOVE & PEACE BECAUSE MECA-USA WILL NEVER DIE…” have become the same people slaying our brain child, the very MECA-USA that they have been purporting to protect. These same brothers & sisters are dividing MECA-USA into various factions from the United Kingdom to the United States of America.
Today, LET God be our guide and Savior so his wisdom may direct us and make MECA-USA not only live forever, but prove that there’s only one MECA-USA that will be recognized in the United States of America. That, Ladies and Gentlemen, will be the one and only MECA-USA holding our original Records of Incorporation and MECA-USAs 501©(3) from the State of Maryland. Today, we have paid flight tickets; and others have driven miles and miles across the United States, to STAND TOGETHER for the UNITY OF THE MANYU PEOPLE. We have come to BEAR WITNESS TO OUR TRUE LOVE FOR THE PEOPLE OF MANYU AT HOME, ABROAD, and in the United States of America! Let’s learn: “I AM SORRY!”
MECA-USA WAS FORMED TO UNITE, NOT TO DIVIDE US. MY UTMOST PRAYER IS THAT COME THE NEXT 20 YEARS, WE WILL BE HOLDING HANDS TOGETHER, PAYING HOMMAGE TO THE 40TH ANNIVERSARY OF MECA-USA. Ladies & Gentlemen, I am appealing to you, that, we Manyu Sons and Daughters in the World, should start emulating Barrack & Michelle Obama’s spirit of LOVE, UNITY & RESPECT for Family, Community and Country:
* To our men: Remember that what makes a Real Man is his ability to stand by his word! Let us start a new lease in life by learning to say I’m SORRY when MISTAKEN. The Manyu Man must learn to LOVE himself, his WIFE and CHILDREN. Let us show love and respect to our WOMEN. Let us stop the verbal, emotional and physical abuse of our women and children.
The ugly words: “AKPARA Woman” must be eradicated from the lips of ALL Manyu Men from today forwards! You must protect your homes, your marriages & your families. Please show dignity to all Manyu Women because they are: your Mothers, Sisters, Wives, Daughters, and your beloved friends! You must respect your women as life partners with equal goals and dreams that need nurturing. Please learn to love, pamper and nurture your wives and teach your wives to love, pamper and nurture you, so you can both be fulfilled/happy and sleep better every night!
* To Manyu Women: Please, LOVE and RESPECT yourselves! Love, respect, pamper, and support your husband’s ambitions, (as he would yours). Make your man the HEAD of your Marriage & Family! For, a marriage without LOVE, RESPECT, and SUPPORT is like home built on sand, without a solid foundation. It will eventually CRUMBLE. And, many have crumbled! I am appealing that we start respecting ourselves as Manyu People. I beg that we start respecting our homes & families which are in distress and disarray. Let us start loving, respecting/humbling ourselves in the presence of God. Let us start promoting the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom for our children and the Manyu Family.
Manyu People, let us start loving and respecting our Holy Matrimonies and God given Friendships. Ladies & Gentlemen, Let us reunite MECA-USA for ourselves, our children, our future and the future & sustenance of MANYU Division. Standing here today, I have no apologies or excuses for our brothers and sisters who could not join us today, due to their unforgiving souls or ill-fated tendencies. Today, let us not give room in the Manyu Community for envy, lies by our men & women, vile gossips, evil-mindedness, jealousy, divisiveness and HATRED. Today, let us start becoming our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers by promoting Love & Peace in the Manyu Family! OUR MARRIED Men Women, called: Manyu COUPLES, must show love respect for our single brothers and sisters so they too can find husbands & wives and be UNITED in holy matrimony.
Our Community is riddled with lack of respect, innuendo, gossip and hatred. Any community that doesn’t have respect & the love of family is amoral and lost! We are not immune! We must learn, and strive to SURRENDER ourselves to the LOVE of GOD our CREATOR, so he may GUIDE, UNITE, and KEEP us TOGETHER For-Ever. Let us LOVE & Cherish one-another like only another Manyu Son or Daughter would; as we are the only People whose UNITY will eventually build Manyu Division. Therefore, let us STAMP out envy and hatred!
LONG LIVE MANYU ELEMENTS CULTURAL & DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION (MECA-USA). Long Live Manyu Division; Long Live the Republic of Cameroon; Long Live the United States of America in which we live.
MY LOVE to YOU as ALWAYS, and May the LOVE of God Be with You All!
* The last daughter of: Papa Moses Ettandip (Talangaye in Ossing Kingdom) and the Lovely Mami Frida Manyi-Etta (of Batchuo-Ntai Kingdom).
* Former Vice Chairwoman of MECA-USA 1995-1997.
* Former Chairwoman: MECA-California 1998-1999.
* Former Vice President: the Cameroon Group Los Angeles, CA (CAMG-LA) 2005–2009.
* Former President: the Cameroon America Community Assoc., (CAC-LA) 1992-1993.
* Former President, Cameroon Students Assoc. (CAMSA-USA), Lubbock TX, 1986-1989.
* Legal Scholar and Civil Rights.
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