The meeting began with an inspirational opening prayer delivered by The Prophetic Apostle, Prince, and Reverend, Hamilton Arrey Ayuk. Rev. Ayuk ardently thanked the Lord for voyage mercies and also prayed for those who could not make it. He prayed for, praised and thanked all those who have helped to plan this extra ordinary meeting. He invited our Lord and Savior to guide the hearts and minds that will partake in the deliberations that were to unfold. He prayed that unity, peace and prosperity should reign in Manyu. Furthermore, he prayed for the outcome of the event to be beneficial and far-reaching for the peoples of MECA-USA and the gentle land of Manyu Division.
In his capacity as the fire-brand leader of the hosting chapter, MECA-GA, candidate for the MECA-USA Chairmanship elections in 2009, respected Major in the US Army, Fidelis Agbor in clean crew haircut and dapper Italian suit delivered his opening remarks welcoming and thanking everyone for making the sacrifice to come to this groundbreaking conference. On behalf of the people of MECA-Georgia, the Major said he was extremely excited, appreciative and short of words for a) the dedication and sacrifices of members of the Chapter , b) the members of MECA-USA who staked material and human resources to come from near and far off places and c) for their love and dedication to this treasure called MECA-USA. The major implored all to show tactical accommodation of one another to ensure that our thoughts and actions go a long way to advance the purpose for which we are gathering. (SEE REPORT # 1). In style and excitement, the Major moved on to introduce the crew who will facilitate the business aspects of the deliberations of the conference. Chief coordinator of the deliberation was assigned to Sessekou, Dr. David Tambe (MECA-Dallas) who will be assisted by the able Mrs. Adele Njang (MECA-N. Carolina). Notes were to be taken by Mr. H. Bate AGBOR-BAIYEE (Arizona-MECA-Dallas). The facilitators of the event were immediately invited to the podium to proceed with the management of the events.
Sessekou, Dr. Tambe took the microphone and introduced the agenda for the day and he reminded participants to get individual printed copies of the agenda as well. Dr. Tambe immeasurably thanked everyone for taking time of their busy schedules to come to this imperative Truth and Reconciliation meeting. He movingly expressed his intense joy, confidence and hope in the spirit of resilience of our people. He reiterated the relevance and reason why we were assembled in Atlanta. He reminded participants to be honest, open and professional in the ways they conduct themselves. He reminded participants that we are a family that is not perfect but one that is not going to stop trying to be good and better. He said, as we proceed from Rodeway Inn, we should refrain from treating one another with disrespect, incivility and intolerance. He asked that we do our best to be as candid and constructive as possible so that, hopefully, we shall reach some strategically important and far-reaching resolutions by the end of the meeting that will change the face of MECA-USA forever. He reminded participants that they do not have to agree on everything but, like a true family, we are compelled to be civil and considerate.
Ms Tanyi on her part as co-coordinator took her turn to articulate how delighted she felt in seeing everyone’s bright and beautiful face. She said she was optimistic as she encouraged participants to work collaboratively to reach vital aspirations and solutions for MECA-USA’s challenges. She implored participants to immerse themselves and be involved and engaged in the business of the day. She asked them to contribute ideas wisely too. She asked members in the gathering to go ahead with hopefulness and not be intimidated by those who think MECA-USA is a private property. She added in reassurance that MECA -USA is re-rising as the road to peace, unity and development was being reconstructed. She warned that if we go to slumber, MECA-USA will also go to slumber and Manyu development will face a stalemate. She ended her comments once again by saluting the hosts and those who spared the time to come.
With that said, the conference Coordinator Sessekou, Dr. Tambe turned his eyes back onto the agenda. He stated that an important reason why we are gathered here was to begin to find creative and constructive ways to thaw the tensions and rifts that had come to characterize MECA-USA affairs! He used the word détente (easing of philosophical and ideological tension between adversaries) to describe the mission at the conference. He extended an invitation to the respective Ako-Besong and Agbor-Ebini teams to present a report from their campaigns. The Ako-Besong team was absent and the Agbor-Ebini Team went ahead and presented the following report.

Former Chairman and Sessekou, Solomon Egbe (MECA-DC) took the floor and with his trademark eloquence, thanked all for coming to this ground-breaking meeting. Naming them one by one, he warmheartedly congratulated his past associates and officers and saluted them for all of their hard work and support. He urged participants to seize this moment and take back their organization. He said the organization belongs to the people and the people should not allow themselves to be manipulated and cajoled to submitting to scare tactics. He urged participants to remain involved and engaged in every aspect of the deliberations that will ensue.

Ms Katherine Ettandip Arrah-Manyi (Lady K as she is fondly known) in her capacity as the Female VP of MECA-USA 1995-1997 and Mother of MECA-USA took the stage. She began her poignant and yet passionate remark by lamenting the fact that some of his dear friends are not present. She said that Satan’s powers will never stand in the way of God’s grace in His children. She said October 10th, marked the first day of truth and reconciliation for the true believers and devoted members of MECA-USA. She further said that members have not only bought airfares in a trying economic times; they have sacrificed time and taken risks; they have driven long miles across the States to stand together for the unity of the Manyu people, demonstrating our true love for our people at home and abroad. She said that we all have come from near and far to bear witness and fight for the resuscitation of MECA-USA from its worst trials and tribulations. Lady K congratulated everyone for coming. Lady K lamented the fact that those who have passionately stated that ‘Lady K MECA-USA will never die’ are the ones putting the nails on the coffin of this cultural treasure of ours. She asked God almighty to be our guide and savior so that MECA-USA will endure the current assaults. In near teary eyes, she commented that MECA-USA was formed to unite us and not divide us. She prayerfully ended her remarks by saying come twenty years from now, we will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of this association holding hands together paying homage to MECA-USA and our ancestral land. (SEE REPORT # 3)

1. Fact Finding Committees- NEC Handing-over Process – Egbe’s Administration (questions about the books).
- The 2009 Washington Convention Failure: A critical analysis.- Tabi/Mondi against Ako/Besong & MECA-USA (COC) Lawsuit: Lessons learned.
2. Constitution Review Committee- Election reforms (Absentee Ballot, Rotational/Sub-Divisional Cabinet, etc.)
- Administrative & Structural Reforms (Board of Directors, etc.)
- Membership Criteria: Chapter & Individuals.
In a brief preface to this section of the deliberations, the conference coordinator Sessekou,Dr. David Tambe , reminded the General Assembly that this section of the conference was like the meat on the bone of our agenda. He told attendees that this part of the agenda constitutes a very important raison d'être for why we are gathered in Atlanta this week-end and he somberly beckoned on members to be very engaged and involved in every step of the deliberations. He also requested that the members maintain professionalism, honesty and respect of various shades of opinion. The various committees were constituted and were asked to selected their scribes and spoke persons to eventually report their findings to all. As stated above, the committees were broadly arranged as follows, Fact Finding, Project Management/ Finance Committee, Constitutional Review Committee and Management.
Fact -Finding Committee
The Fact Finding Committee consisted of the following;
Mr. Emmanuel Mondi: Scribe
Mr. Ebai Tabeh, Sessekou Solomon Egbe, Sessekou and Chief Philip Tabi, Mr. Samuel Eyong, Sec Gen and Ms Grace Egbe, Ms Regina Ati, Ms Elizabeth Ashukem, Ms Liz Tarkang, Ms Agnes Takeng, Ms Joan Essim.
Committee Chair: Mr. Victor Eware Tataw
Three important items were to be deliberated upon, namely;
1- The NEC Handing over Process
2-2009 Washington Convention Failure
3-Tabi-Mondi vs. Ako-Bessong and MECA-USA Law Suit.
With reference to NEC handing over process, Chairman and Sessekou Solomon Egbe stated, as has been the case on various occasions that all documents were handed over to Chief Cletus Ayuk. However, he insisted that the issue was not about handover of documents, the real issue here is the transfer of power ie. Change of signatures between the incoming and outgoing administration. The Ako-Bessong team failed to adhere to this procedure. See detailed report from Sessekou Egbe in (REPORT # 4)
With respect to the law suit, the spanking new leader of MECA-GA, Sessekou Phillip Tabi in a well-expressed speech delivered to the General Assembly emphatically reiterated the fact that the Tabi-Mondi team did not and will never sue MECA-USA. He clarified that the defendants named on the law suit were John Etta and Peter Ako for deceptively confirming the results and declaring Peter Ako as the winner of the problem infested election. He underlined several times that MECA-USA was not the named defendant on the lawsuit. Please refer to complete details in (SEE REPORT # 5)
The Ako-Besong team was hardly present to offer a perspective.
For the lessons learned, it was agreed that the leadership structure and constitution should make provision for conflict resolution through arbitration. It was also agreed that any grievance should be submitted first to an arbitration committee. In the event this fails, then, the courts will have to decide on the outcome of such contentious issues.
This committee decided not to institutionalize any absentee ballots during MECA-USA elections. They said it is too complicated to define and enforce hence it creates room for fraud. MECA-USA members who must exercise their civic duty to vote must be physically present at the elections convention. No voting by proxy is accepted. The final electoral list should be approved by the General Assembly of each Chapter before submitting it to the electoral committee which must be verified at the convention grounds. The chapter chiefs have no powers to alter this list.
Under the leadership of Dr. Kingsley Takor, the Constitution Review Committee (CRC) had a robust conversation and (SEE REPORT # 6) is a byproduct of their deliberations. Also included attached a copy of the recommendations "MECA-USA-CRC_Recommendations.doc". Also included is (REPORT # 7) a draft version of the Articles of the BOD, "MECA-USA_BOD_Articles_Draft.doc".

Management Committee- Way forward- Next Elections- Next Convention Date & Venue- Modalities for Ad hoc administration to govern MECA-USA
Committee Chair : Mr. Augustine Agbor
Ms. Mimi Mispah, Ms Theresia Ayang Mbu, Ms Estella Ojongmboh Agbor, Mr. Agnes Ebai, Mr. Bate Agbor Baiyee;Tanyi Adele Mambeng, Ebai Tabe, Major Agbor Fidelis, Mr. Nkongho Deba, Engineer Simon Etta, Ms. Enongene Takor Catherine, Ms. Florence Abange, Ms. Julie Nyanket.
The following resolutions were reported.
1) The creation of an interim management team to run the association until proper elections are held at the next convention.
2) A board of directors should be created to run the business activities of MECA-USA.
3) All elected officials must operate under their defined roles as stated in the constitution.
4) The next elections shall take place at the convention between July 2-July 4, 2010.
5) The management committee proposed Atlanta GA as the next convention Venue
6) The interim MECA-USA governing body shall include the following:
· Administrative Chairperson
· Administrative vice-chairperson
· Secretary General
· Treasurer
· Public Relations/cultural officer.
7) An advisory body consisting of elders, and or former chairpersons should be created.
8) All previous administrations should hand over all items belonging to Meca-USA to the interim body.
To elaborate on the findings listed above, the Management Committee cognizance of the extraordinary and complex nature of the current state of affairs in MECA-USA, the committee decided that an interim government of MECA-USA should be established to man the affairs of MECA-USA until elections are held in the next convention in Atlanta in July of 2010. This idea was put to vote and the congress overwhelmingly voted in favor, with 62= for, 0=against and 1=abstention.
It was also suggested that the organization be managed by a Board of Directors which was put to vote and there was another unanimous vote 62=for, 0 against and 1=abstention.
There were suggestions that the next convention be hosted by Atlanta for a fresh start considering all the mishaps that this organizations has been through. Due to expediency, it was decided that the 2010 convention goes to Atlanta where there are ready human and material resources on the ground to help advance the renewed vision and mission of MECA-USA. There was a unanimous feeling in the house that the next Convention and Elections have to be successful hence there was no room for gambling. It was said that the convention has to be hyped and we needed it to take place where there is high probability for success. The next MECA-USA general elections will be held during this convention.
Mr. Hubert suggested that we endeavor to be transparent in all future electoral processes to avoid the blunders of the DC 2009 Convention/ Elections.
Reverend Hamilton Ayuk, suggested that the team that was to run for office come convention time in 2010 should prepare a transitional team to facilitate the transition.
All previous constitutional formalities for selecting a host for the convention was suspended due to the abnormal situation that MECA-USA finds itself in. After much deliberation, the next Convention was billed for the week-end of July 2nd - 4th of 2010 in Atlanta. Several other places such as North Carolina, DC, Chicago were considered for the hosting but none of them presented a case as convincing as Atlanta. Atlanta was particularly lucky because they had made a strong case evidenced by the on-going Truth and Reconciliation meeting. It was
agreed that an interim government be formed to man the affairs of MECA-USA until a full-fledged elections is held in Atlanta in July of 2010.
The interim government was going to be a corporative style with members of the various chapters selected by lot casting from the various chapters. It is the responsibility of each chapter to identify the member to represent the office that is associated with their chapter.
A deadline of November 7th was suggested Chapters to submit their picks for the post they have received in the interim government.
Here is the breakdown of the interim administration.
Interim Chair: Sessekou Maurice Enoh (MECA-Dallas)
Interim vice Chair: Elizabeth Ashunkem (MECA-GA)
Interim Sec Gen: Mr. Baiyee Mondi (MECA-DC)
Interim Financial Sec/ Treasurer: Ms Adele Njang (MECA-N Carolina)
Interim PRO/Cultural Officer: (MECA –Chicago)
Group photos at end of conference:
The business session ended at around 6:15 amidst an atmosphere of euphoria and fanfare. There were group hugs and cameras.
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