Sessekou Maurice Enoh, Interim Chairman of MECA-USA,
I'm sure by now my Finance Team has handed over copies of the same documents my administration handed over to your predecessor, in accordance with the resolutions of the general assembly of the TRC. The original documents were handed over to an independent audit committee in DC and we have no objection with you requesting it from them. I'm also hopeful that, unlike others, you had the humility to ask for help on how to use the documents to revive this once great organization and make it a legal nonprofit entity authorized to solicit funds in the United States.
I would therefore ask that you confer with your team and confirm that there is nothing else you need from my administration, and then amend your reminders so that I'm no longer associated with people I do not wish to be associated with at this time.
I once said that "there is no force on Earth greater than an idea whose time has come". The will of the people can no longer be suppressed by subterfuge, empty threats, inconsistent rhetoric, and blatant lies.
I commend you for accepting such a difficult task and pledge my support because you have a mandate from the people.
Take Care,
Sessekou Solomon Egbe, Esq.Former and very retired Chairman of MECA-USA
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Chairman Calls on former MECA USA Leaders to hand over all records
To: Chairman Sessekou Solomon Egbe Esq.
Chairman Sessekou Dr. Peter Ako
I am requesting both of you Sessekou Egbe Solomon Esq. (Chairman from 2003-2007) and Sessekou Dr. Peter Ako (Chairman from 2007-2009) both my predecessors to honorably hand over all MECA-USA materials, documents, finances, and artifacts you still have in your possessions to the office of the Interim administration. This will facilitate our handing over of all MECA-USA possessions in one package to whichever individuals that will be voted or elected to run MECA – US affairs in the up coming MECA-USA Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.
Gentlemen, it might not be easy but please endeavor to imply wisdom and comply do this demands before May 1st, 2010. Time is of the essence. Responding to this demand should not be taken as a sign of weakness on your part, but as some one who loves the development and prosperity of Manyu. Let’s stop all this rhetoric.
If you have any concerns, visit MECA USA convention official website for comments.
Sessekou Maurice Enoh
Interim Chairman MECA-USA.
Nkongho Deba
Interim PRO MECA - USA
Chairman Sessekou Dr. Peter Ako
I am requesting both of you Sessekou Egbe Solomon Esq. (Chairman from 2003-2007) and Sessekou Dr. Peter Ako (Chairman from 2007-2009) both my predecessors to honorably hand over all MECA-USA materials, documents, finances, and artifacts you still have in your possessions to the office of the Interim administration. This will facilitate our handing over of all MECA-USA possessions in one package to whichever individuals that will be voted or elected to run MECA – US affairs in the up coming MECA-USA Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.
Gentlemen, it might not be easy but please endeavor to imply wisdom and comply do this demands before May 1st, 2010. Time is of the essence. Responding to this demand should not be taken as a sign of weakness on your part, but as some one who loves the development and prosperity of Manyu. Let’s stop all this rhetoric.
If you have any concerns, visit MECA USA convention official website for comments.
Sessekou Maurice Enoh
Interim Chairman MECA-USA.
Nkongho Deba
Interim PRO MECA - USA
Friday, January 29, 2010
Summary of Conference Resolutions:

For the lessons learned, it was agreed that the leadership structure and constitution should make provision for conflict resolution through arbitration.
It was also agreed that any grievance should be submitted first to an arbitration committee. In the event this fails, then, the courts will have to decide on the outcome of such contentious issues.
The general assembly decided not to institutionalize any absentee ballots during MECA-USA elections. They said it is too complicated to define and enforce hence it creates room for fraud. MECA-USA members who must exercise their civic duty to vote must be physically present at the elections convention. No voting by proxy is accepted. The final electoral list should be approved by the General Assembly of each Chapter before submitting it to the electoral committee which must be verified at the convention grounds. The chapter chiefs have no powers to alter this list.
Cognizance of the extraordinary and complex nature of situation in MECA-USA, the conference decided that an interim government of MECA-USA should be established to man the affairs of MECA-USA until elections is held in the next convention in Atlanta in July of 2010.
It was also suggested that the organization be managed by a Board of Directors.
There were suggestions that the next convention be hosted by Atlanta for a fresh start considering all the mishaps that this organizations has been through.
Due to expediency, it was decided that the 2010 convention goes to Atlanta where there are ready human and material resources on the ground to help to advance the event. There was a unanimous feeling in the house that the next Convention and Elections have to be successful hence there was no room for gambling.
After much deliberation, the next Convention was billed for the week-end of July 2nd - 4th of 2010 in Atlanta. It was said that the convention has to be hyped and we needed it to take place where there is high probability for success. The next MECA-USA general elections will be held during this convention.
It was agreed that an interim government be formed to man the affairs of MECA-USA until a full-fledged elections is held in Atlanta in July of 2010.
A deadline of November 7th was suggested Chapters to submit their picks for the post they have received in the interim government.
The interim government was going to be a corporative style with members of the various chapters selected by lot casting from the various chapters. It is the responsibility of each chapter to identify the member to represent the office that is associated with their chapter.
Here is the break down of the interim administration.
President: Maurice Enoh (Dallas Chapter)
Vice President: Elizabeth Ashunkem (Atlanta Chapter)
Sec Gen: Baiyee Mondi (Washington Dc Chapter)
Financial Sec/ Treasurer: Adele Tanyi (North Carolina Chapter)
PRO/Cultural Officer: CHICAGO
Election Reforms/Recommendations:
· To help break the cycle of hate and foster better understanding and co-operation amongst MECANs, it was recommended:
· That there be no more elections at the convention to determine the leadership of MECA-USA
· That the leadership (NEC) of MECA-USA should be Rotational amongst MECA-USA Chapters, with each chapter given an opportunity to provide a chairperson for the association and other cabinet members based on an open lottery to be conducted during the National Convention. Accordingly:
· The Convention host would provide the Chairperson of MECA-USA.
· The Chapter next in line to host the Convention would provide the Vice Chairperson of MECA-USA.
· All other Cabinet positions to be spread amongst the rest of the Chapters, with the only exception being that the Treasurer and Financial Secretary should both be from the same Chapter (different from that of the Chairperson). This is to facilitate better accounting and handover of financial records to auditors in a timely manner.
· The Treasurer and Financial Secretary should be the only signatories on the MECA-USA Bank Account, and the account should be maintained at a National Bank.
· The term limit of the Chairperson should be two (2) years.
· Any Chapter that is unable to provide cabinet members for the association could swap with other Chapters, provided the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are both from Chapters different from that of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary.
Administrative & Structural Reforms /Recommendations :( BoD)
· A BOD should be formed to formulate the broad policies for MECA-USA. The NEC’s main task should be to implement these policies.
· The BOD should be composed of one (1) representative per active Chapter. Each Chapter can nominate a second person (alternate), but there should be only one representation per-chapter during BOD meetings.
· The Leader of the BOD breaks the tie should one arise
· Each Chapter should be responsible for 100% of all reasonable travel expenses of its Board member each time they attend a physical Board meeting.
· The term limit of the BOD should be three (3) years.
· All projects undertaken by the MECA-USA should be scrutinized by the BOD, and must be approved by local Chapters or the General Assembly of MECA-USA. In addition, every major decision set by the BOD that affects MECA-USA should be approved by stake holders i.e. Local Chapters.
· The BOD should take over the responsibilities of the Council of Chiefs (COC) as presently constituted i.e. in conflict resolution, Audit of MECA-USA finances, etc.
· The BOD should setup permanent (standing) committees. These should include amongst others:
· A Conflict Management Committee
· A Project Management Committee
· An Audit Committee
· A Fundraising Committee
· For a complete overview of the BOD, please refer to the draft article of the MECA-USA BOD.
Membership Criteria: Chapter & Individuals
· The committee recommends that the current membership criteria as stipulated in the constitution be maintained. Organs of MECA-USA.
· The organs of MECA-USA should be the General Assembly, BOD, NEC and Local Chapters.
· The General Assembly, at a National Convention gathering, should be the supreme body of MECA-USA.
National Convention
The committee recommends that:
· MECA-USA National Conventions should be held every two (2) years.
National Executive Committee (NEC)
The committee recommends:
· Change of title from “Chairperson” to “President”
· Change of title from “Vice Chairperson” to “Vice President”.
Role of Council of Chiefs (COC)
· Our Chiefs should concentrate more on running local MECA-USA Chapters in order to make them stronger, stable, and to help drive up membership.
It was also agreed that any grievance should be submitted first to an arbitration committee. In the event this fails, then, the courts will have to decide on the outcome of such contentious issues.
The general assembly decided not to institutionalize any absentee ballots during MECA-USA elections. They said it is too complicated to define and enforce hence it creates room for fraud. MECA-USA members who must exercise their civic duty to vote must be physically present at the elections convention. No voting by proxy is accepted. The final electoral list should be approved by the General Assembly of each Chapter before submitting it to the electoral committee which must be verified at the convention grounds. The chapter chiefs have no powers to alter this list.
Cognizance of the extraordinary and complex nature of situation in MECA-USA, the conference decided that an interim government of MECA-USA should be established to man the affairs of MECA-USA until elections is held in the next convention in Atlanta in July of 2010.
It was also suggested that the organization be managed by a Board of Directors.
There were suggestions that the next convention be hosted by Atlanta for a fresh start considering all the mishaps that this organizations has been through.
Due to expediency, it was decided that the 2010 convention goes to Atlanta where there are ready human and material resources on the ground to help to advance the event. There was a unanimous feeling in the house that the next Convention and Elections have to be successful hence there was no room for gambling.
After much deliberation, the next Convention was billed for the week-end of July 2nd - 4th of 2010 in Atlanta. It was said that the convention has to be hyped and we needed it to take place where there is high probability for success. The next MECA-USA general elections will be held during this convention.
It was agreed that an interim government be formed to man the affairs of MECA-USA until a full-fledged elections is held in Atlanta in July of 2010.
A deadline of November 7th was suggested Chapters to submit their picks for the post they have received in the interim government.
The interim government was going to be a corporative style with members of the various chapters selected by lot casting from the various chapters. It is the responsibility of each chapter to identify the member to represent the office that is associated with their chapter.
Here is the break down of the interim administration.
President: Maurice Enoh (Dallas Chapter)
Vice President: Elizabeth Ashunkem (Atlanta Chapter)
Sec Gen: Baiyee Mondi (Washington Dc Chapter)
Financial Sec/ Treasurer: Adele Tanyi (North Carolina Chapter)
PRO/Cultural Officer: CHICAGO
Election Reforms/Recommendations:
· To help break the cycle of hate and foster better understanding and co-operation amongst MECANs, it was recommended:
· That there be no more elections at the convention to determine the leadership of MECA-USA
· That the leadership (NEC) of MECA-USA should be Rotational amongst MECA-USA Chapters, with each chapter given an opportunity to provide a chairperson for the association and other cabinet members based on an open lottery to be conducted during the National Convention. Accordingly:
· The Convention host would provide the Chairperson of MECA-USA.
· The Chapter next in line to host the Convention would provide the Vice Chairperson of MECA-USA.
· All other Cabinet positions to be spread amongst the rest of the Chapters, with the only exception being that the Treasurer and Financial Secretary should both be from the same Chapter (different from that of the Chairperson). This is to facilitate better accounting and handover of financial records to auditors in a timely manner.
· The Treasurer and Financial Secretary should be the only signatories on the MECA-USA Bank Account, and the account should be maintained at a National Bank.
· The term limit of the Chairperson should be two (2) years.
· Any Chapter that is unable to provide cabinet members for the association could swap with other Chapters, provided the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are both from Chapters different from that of the Treasurer and Financial Secretary.
Administrative & Structural Reforms /Recommendations :( BoD)
· A BOD should be formed to formulate the broad policies for MECA-USA. The NEC’s main task should be to implement these policies.
· The BOD should be composed of one (1) representative per active Chapter. Each Chapter can nominate a second person (alternate), but there should be only one representation per-chapter during BOD meetings.
· The Leader of the BOD breaks the tie should one arise
· Each Chapter should be responsible for 100% of all reasonable travel expenses of its Board member each time they attend a physical Board meeting.
· The term limit of the BOD should be three (3) years.
· All projects undertaken by the MECA-USA should be scrutinized by the BOD, and must be approved by local Chapters or the General Assembly of MECA-USA. In addition, every major decision set by the BOD that affects MECA-USA should be approved by stake holders i.e. Local Chapters.
· The BOD should take over the responsibilities of the Council of Chiefs (COC) as presently constituted i.e. in conflict resolution, Audit of MECA-USA finances, etc.
· The BOD should setup permanent (standing) committees. These should include amongst others:
· A Conflict Management Committee
· A Project Management Committee
· An Audit Committee
· A Fundraising Committee
· For a complete overview of the BOD, please refer to the draft article of the MECA-USA BOD.
Membership Criteria: Chapter & Individuals
· The committee recommends that the current membership criteria as stipulated in the constitution be maintained. Organs of MECA-USA.
· The organs of MECA-USA should be the General Assembly, BOD, NEC and Local Chapters.
· The General Assembly, at a National Convention gathering, should be the supreme body of MECA-USA.
National Convention
The committee recommends that:
· MECA-USA National Conventions should be held every two (2) years.
National Executive Committee (NEC)
The committee recommends:
· Change of title from “Chairperson” to “President”
· Change of title from “Vice Chairperson” to “Vice President”.
Role of Council of Chiefs (COC)
· Our Chiefs should concentrate more on running local MECA-USA Chapters in order to make them stronger, stable, and to help drive up membership.
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